Club Officers

Following is the list of officers for the 2023–2024 year. Nominations and elections are held at the September meeting.

PresidentDennis Klipa, N8ERF
Vice PresidentPaul Morabito, K8PLM
SecretaryLinda Hodges, KC8MUD
TreasurerJohn Wolters, W8QN
W8KEA Station TrusteeJohn Wolters, W8QN
Midland County Emergency Coordinator (EC)Rick Sauer, KD0RMK
Midland County Assistant ECChris Rose, KB8UIH
ARRL Volunteer Examiner (VE) LiaisonDennis Klipa, N8ERF
Web Page ChairmanMax Schneider, KE8DON
Club HistorianStan Rowe, K6VWE
QuartermasterLee Hodges, KC8ITI
Public Information Officer (PIO)Paul Tolly, N8GEM
Field Day Committee<Open>
Swap CommitteeKeith Johnson, KB8SOE