Following is the list of officers for the 2023–2024 year. Nominations and elections are held at the September meeting.
President | Dennis Klipa, N8ERF |
Vice President | Paul Morabito, K8PLM |
Secretary | Linda Hodges, KC8MUD |
Treasurer | John Wolters, W8QN |
W8KEA Station Trustee | John Wolters, W8QN |
Midland County Emergency Coordinator (EC) | Rick Sauer, KD0RMK |
Midland County Assistant EC | Chris Rose, KB8UIH |
ARRL Volunteer Examiner (VE) Liaison | Dennis Klipa, N8ERF |
Web Page Chairman | Max Schneider, KE8DON |
Club Historian | Stan Rowe, K6VWE |
Quartermaster | Lee Hodges, KC8ITI |
Public Information Officer (PIO) | Paul Tolly, N8GEM |
Field Day Committee | <Open> |
Swap Committee | Keith Johnson, KB8SOE |