The next meeting of the Midland Amateur Radio Club will be held Thursday, June 6 at 7:30pm. This meeting is open to all members and non-members alike. This month’s presentation will be: May the Forth Be With You by Dennis Klipa, N8ERF. Dennis, his students and an assortment of volunteers successfully launched a weather balloon, […]
Category: News
Volunteers Needed for Dow Run/Walk
Volunteers are needed to help with communications along the course at the Dow Run/Walk scheduled for the morning of June 1. If you are able to participate, please contact Chris Rose, KB8UIH.
The Hamfest is Coming!
Mark your calendar for the morning of June 15 for the annual Midland Amateur Radio Club Hamfest to be held at the Salvation Army in Midland. Admission will be $5, tables are available for $10, and trunk sales locations for $5. More information can be found in the flyer. VE testing sessions will also be […]
Next Club Meeting May 2
The next meeting of the Midland Amateur Radio Club will be held Thursday, May 2. This meeting is open to all members and non-members alike. Rick Sauer, KD0RMK, will give a presentation on Emergency Management. Ric recently took on the role of Emergency Coordinator for Midland county. (Thanks Ric!) Ric brings his extensive EC experience that will […]
Bob Winchester, W8LSS, Silent Key
Bob Winchester, W8LSS, has joined the ranks of the Silent Keys. Bob was a long-time active member of the Midland Amateur Radio Club, serving as President in 1979. Bob was a friend and mentor. He was also a very skilled and active ham. He brought a diverse perspective to most discussions which always made it interesting […]
APRS-Capable Equipment and Radio Operators Needed for Balloon Launch
On May 4, the school clubs are planning to launch a High Altitude Balloon with various electronics in the payload. This will include two APRS transmitters. We will be tracking the balloon during the flight and after it lands using APRS as well as radio direction finding (RDF) techniques. When we launch the balloon, we will want to […]
April Club Meeting
The April club meeting will be April 4 at 7:30pm at the Salvation Army. The presentation for the evening will be given by Paul Morabito, K8PLM, on his journey into ham radio.
MARC Annual Dinner Celebration
Following a long tradition in the club, January’s MARC meeting will instead be a gathering for dinner to celebrate the past year! Very casual, come as you are. Ugly Christmas sweaters will be pointed out. Everyone is invited, bring along anyone and everyone! Please send Linda Hodges (club secretary) an email telling her potential headcount by […]